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“ This hotel is set in gorey harbour and its a very pretty place. Hotel was excellent, and ...”
fromsheila rothwell,14 years ago
The Moorings Hotel, Jersey
1 DOLPHIN FLATS GOREY PIER, Jersey, JE3 6EW, United Kingdom

There can be few hotels that enjoys such a uniquie postion as The Moorings, nestled between the impressive walls of Mont Orgueil Castle and the waterfront of Gorey Harbour. The Moorings Hotel now features Walkers Restaurant with award wining chef Simon Walker heading the kitchen, specialising in local seafood and locally sourced products served in a contemporary manor. Most of the 15 bedrooms are completely refurbished to a very high modern standard, many of the bedrooms have panoramic views of the harbour, three of the bedrooms have balconies
Handicap accessible
Internet (wireless)
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Distances from Jersey airports
Jersey Airport - 12.8 km