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“ This is a welcoming, relaxing place to stay. Hospitality was friendly and warm. The ...”
fromV P,14 years ago
Hob Green Hotel, Restaurant Gardens, Harrogate
Markington, Harrogate, HG3 3PJ, United Kingdom

Set in over 800 acres of beautiful rolling Yorkshire country, yet only 15 minutes from the centre of Harrogate. The house has been carefully altered and restored to form a charming elegant hotel. The Hotel holds the RAC blue ribbon, Award Winning Gardens, and the Restaurant which over looks the grounds, with an AA 82% rating. Also a Silver Award from the English Tourism Council. During the horse-racing season, a visit to Ripon Races-Yorkshires garden racecourse is a must, this course is run by the Hutchinson family and is a 10 minute drive away. The Hotel is also just off the By-Way route, and on the door step of Fountains Abbey.There are over 2 acres of award winning gardens. These produce seasonal flowers, vegetables, fruit and herbs for use in the hotel. Explore our wonderful woodland walks.The best of welcomes awaits you at Hob Green, where guests really are guests, not just numbers on a booking chart. Our concern is your comfort and relaxation throughout your stay.All eleven rooms are individually furnished and tastefully equipped to the highest standards of comfort to facilitate the most discerning guest.
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