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Hotel Caba Tatil Koyu, Ankara
Konya Yolu 1.KM Vilayetler Evi Yan - Golbasi, Ankara, Turkey

Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, comfort always comes first which is why you will want to book your stay at the Caba Tatil Koyu in Ankara Turkey. Basting a friendly staff and excellent facilities to keep you entertained from morning to night, you may find yourself spending most of your vacation at this quality accommodation in Ankara Turkey. But ask staff about the surrounding sights, because after all you should spend a bit of time in the city. The Caba Tatil Koyu features a wide range of sports facilities such as tennis and basketball courts so you can get in a game before lunch. And if you are more interested in relaxing than exercising, the choice of outdoor swimming pools will leave you speechless. Gorgeous gardens, exclusive luxury facilities and professional service make this a holiday accommodation to look forward to and look back on.
Air conditioned
Internet (wireless)
Fitness - Sports
Swimming pool
Other services
Distances from Ankara airports
Esenboga Airport - 42.9 km
Etimesgut Airport - 21.9 km