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“Room good& clean. The hotel map on the internet is aweful and receptionist did not drive ...”
fromAnonymous user,16 years ago
Sommerau-Ticino Swiss Q Hotel, Zurich
Zürcherstrasse 72, Zurich, 8953, Switzerland

Situated just 16 km from Zurich city centre and Zürich-Kloten airport, Sommerau-Ticino Swiss Q Hotel offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere in which to stay in the Limmat valley. Offering free parking facilities, a garage and meeting rooms, which are perfect for conferences, business or private events, this hotel is the right accommodation choice in Zurich both for tourist or corporate travellers.Sommerau-Ticino Swiss Q Hotel features room service and several dining options such as the Wintergarten, the elegant Trattoria, or the Grotto, serving tasty Mediterranean and Swiss cuisine.
Internet (wireless)
Meeting rooms
Audio Video Systems
Other services
Distances from Zurich airports
Kloten Airport - 12.8 km