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Review summary
Total reviews: 36
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Latest review
“The location of this hotel is almost enough to recommend it, right near the cathedral, ...”
fromGayle Timmerman,14 years ago
Hotel Alminar, Seville
Calle Álvarez Quintero, 52, Center, Seville, 41004, Spain

The Alminar hotel is located in a strategic area of the city, in the main historic city centre, next to the Ayuntamiento, La Giralda, La Catedral and its minaret or alminar and the commercial area in the main heart of Sevilla. This newly built hotel (opened in February 2005), occupies a traditional architectural old house that once belonged to Foronda, the leading company in Spain for hand-made bright silk shawls. The hotel interior is cosy and comfortable, and the courteous and professional staff is always at hand to satisfy every need of our guests. Thanks to its ideal location, first quality services, and its familiar atmosphere, the structure is the ideal place for businessmen or leasure travelers.
Handicap accessible
Air conditioned
Internet (wireless)
Audio Video Systems
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Seville airports
San Pablo Airport - 9.5 km