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Hotel Sir Anthony, Arona
Avda. de las Américas sn, Arona, 38660, Spain

Occupying a fabulous beach-side location, right on the beach Playa del Camisón, this luxurious hotel offers peaceful rooms with panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean and fantastic facilities. Curving gently around an oval pool, lawns and lush tropical gardens, The Sir Anthony creates the perfect environment for peace and relaxation. Soak up the Tenerife sunshine before cooling off in the pool or with a cocktail from the bar. Descend down to the white sands of the Camisón Beach and take a dip in the Atlantic. Then head to the spa to relax even further with an indulgent massage. There is plenty to keep you fit and active this holiday. Challenge yourself to a good workout in the Sir Anthony's fitness centre, play tennis with friends in the sunshine or enjoy a round of golf on the course located just 3 km away. In evening, you can enjoy delicate Asian flavours or tasty Mediterranean recipes in the fusion restaurant.
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