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Hotel Heidelberg, Berlin
Knesebeckstrae, Tiergarten, Berlin, 10623, Germany

Welcome to Berlin... Hotel Heidelberg - a good Middle-Class-Hotel - is a peaceful residential and fully licensed hotel, surrounded by many tourist attractions. Even though centrally located in the heart of the city center, the street is rather quiet, so that you will have a relaxed and comfortable stay.Are you looking for a special and a personal ambiance? Then you will - as one of our many regular guests - enjoy every visit to our hotel.You will find the personnel friendly, courteous and helpful, always willing to meet your need and offer you advice. Irrespective of taste or age, we are prepared at all times to show you Berlins many places of interest and entertainment.Our reception is on duty 24 hours a day. Car parking is possible in our yard. Our guests get a discounted rate of 6,-- Euro per 24 hours parking.
Distances from Berlin airports
Schoenefeld Airport - 19.6 km
Tegel Airport - 6.3 km