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Review summary
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“Buona struttura,servizio buono, prezzo adeguato. Pulizia accettabile:ho trovato ...”
fromEttore De deo,14 years ago
Hotel Kyriad Nîmes, Nimes
157, rue Tony Garnier - Parc Hôtelier Ville Active, Nimes, 30900, France

The perfect hotel to the west of N?mes.Enjoy the comfort of a 2 star hotel with all the necessary amenities for work and leisure.The staff at Kyriad N?mes Ouest welcome you 24h/24, in English, German, Spanish and Arab.A peaceful stay awaits you at Kyriad N?mes Ouest.Kyriad N?mes Ouest has 49 twin and quintuple rooms, all with air conditioning, baths and showers.All of the rooms have hair dryers. Sit back and relax, watching Canal plus, or get your work done efficiently thanks to a direct phone line and free wireless Internet access. We do so much to make you feel at home, you won't want to leave. Get your day off to a good start with a Kyriad N?mes Ouest breakfast.A full breakfast buffet is available from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m., for a tasty and energizing start to the day.Relax and mingle in the hotel bar.
Handicap accessible
Pets allowed
Air conditioned
Convention center
Internet (wireless)
Meeting rooms
Audio Video Systems
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Nimes airports
Alès-Camargue-Cévennes Airport - 8.6 km