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Hotel California 2, Bordeaux
22, rue Charles Domercq, Bordeaux, 33800, France

Are you looking for cheap hotels in Bordeaux, France? The California 2 hotel is the perfect place to enjoy this fantastic French region without spending a fortune. Perfectly located close to the railway station and nearby the Bordeaux city centre, this friendly hotel will welcome you in a great ambiance. The friendly and professional staff will be glad to help you and tell your more about the region, such as the best spots to taste the famous Bordeaux wines and the major tourist attractions in the region. You’ll have a very peaceful and quiet stay in this very affordable hotel in the Gironde province in France, which is nevertheless very clean and modern. Business travellers can make use of the seminar rooms which are equipped with all technological necessities, and families can relax and take the most out of their stay from the beautiful hotel garden or recharging their batteries in one of the comfortable rooms.
Handicap accessible
Pets allowed
Conference centre
Convention center
Internet (wireless)
Meeting rooms
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Bordeaux airports
Mérignac Airport - 12.5 km