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Agua Marinha Hotel, Fortaleza
Avenida Almirante Barroso, 701 - Praia de Iracema, Fortaleza, Brazil

Wonderfully located, well-appointed and welcoming are the first adjectives you will come up with after staying in the Agua Marinha Hotel, a 2 star hotel on Icarema Beach, Fortaleza. The area is packed with tourist-friendly facilities such as the new Ponte Metálica and Dragão do Mar Shopping Centres, which reserve special treats for visitors. The kind staff will make families and solo travellers feel at ease, while the Agua Marinha Hotel's friendly bar will prepare exquisite drinks to thirsty visitors. The refreshing swimming pool becomes the hotel's hot spot during sunny days, as leisure guests lay back on loungers and while the hours away.
Air conditioned
Internet (wireless)
Swimming pool
Other services
Distances from Fortaleza airports
Pinto Martins Airport - 6.5 km